Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Annual Cookie Party, Thanksgiving Taste Testing, and Anitra's Newsletter

Good morning! I hope you are all having a great week. Took the kids to school this morning and it was so much warmer than it has been in the mornings -- no scraping car windows -- YEH! I'll enjoy it while I can -- I can tell by the way my sinuses are acting this morning that it is the calm before the storm. I hope we can get our Christmas lights up today before the snow flies tomorrow (I know, I'm probably dreaming)!

Anyway, lots going on .... here's a few of them:

1. SAVE THE DATE: Saturday, December 19th, 4 - 8 p.m. Wheatley Annual Christmas Cookie Party. For those who have lived here during the last five years, you know what this is, but for those of you who have just moved in, here's the skinny. Our family hosts an Annual Christmas Cookie Party. You don't have to bring anything -- just you and your families! It is a gathering of people where we just get together and talk and enjoy a little respite from the holiday hurriedness and munch on the hundreds of cookies that I make. We'd love to have you -- no RSVP necessary, just come and enjoy! For the kids, we always have a movie on downstairs (usually the Polar Express). COME JOIN US -- it's a lot of fun and a tradition we hope to always keep experiencing....

2. FIRST AID KITS: For those of you who ordered the potholder first aid kits, they are here and I'd just LOVE :) for you to come and pick them up. They are $5.00 each, so please bring payment when you come!

3. THANKSGIVING TASTE TESTING: Haven't heard from anyone yet, but would love to find out who is going to show up this Saturday at noon for our Thanksgiving Taste Testing event! Bring your favorite side dish, dessert or even main dish for everyone to sample and don't forget to bring your recipe so that we can make copies for everyone. I have a "to die for" cornbread recipe that I am going to share -- it is SOOO easy and so moist and yummy! What do you have to share? PLEASE RSVP ASAP --

4. ANITRA'S WEEKLY NEWSLETTER: Click here to get to Anitra's newsletter for this week. She always has the best information in these newsletters and also gives details on upcoming classes (which I thoroughly recommend).

Enjoy the day --


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