Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Today on the Oprah Show, "Dr. Oz" had a show about the Swine Flu:

He spoke about how the 1918 flu pandemic had a second wave & our second wave is coming.

Expect 150 million people in the US to get swine flu

Expect 90,000 people in the US to die from swine flu

Five things everyone needs to have in their home:

1. Cleansers – Swine flu is very contagious so use lots of soap and water. It’s also good to use alcohol cleansers and wipes. Send the kids to school with wipes and hand sanitizers.

2. Probiotics and Prebiotics – Need to keep up the healthy bacteria in your digestive tract. Garlic, onions and yogurt are good to take. Probiotic capsules are also good to take since they get more of the good bacteria to your digestive tract (gets more past the stomach).

3. Supplements- Everyone should be taking Vit D3, North American ginseng is also recommended.

4. Home Kit – You should have thermometers, electrolyte replacements, acetaminophen, masks, and a one month supply of key foods. Surgical masks are good to prevent mucus from traveling when sick people sneeze or cough.

5. Seasonal Flu vaccine – everyone should get theirs (this is what HE said, but everyone needs to make their own decisions about vaccines).

Those most at risk are pregnant women, people with predisposed conditions like diabetes, and young people who haven’t been exposed to any flu before.

Time line of swine flu:
Day 0 – 2 No symptoms
Day 3 – Body aches and pain
Day 4-6 Cough, sore throat, vomiting and diarrhea
Day 7-10 Feeling better or getting worse.

See your doctor right away if you start feeling worse.

I am grateful for a church that teaches preparedness. I am also grateful for a Heavenly Father who speaks with us through prayer so that we can know for ourselves what course to take everyday, not just with this H1N1 flu. Take your concerns to your Father in Heaven and He will direct you and your family -- what is right for YOU and YOURS.

The time to prepare is almost past.... get those last minute items to help you and your family ride the storm ahead.

Have a great week!


Monday, September 14, 2009


OK, ladies -- hopefully you have been watching the sales. Now is the best time of the year to stock up on items for food storage.

Harmon's is having their huge case lot sale
Smith's and Albertson's are having "mini" case lot sales, with "some" items on great sale
Macey's is having their huge case lot sale

You can go online and look at all the ads, EXCEPT for Macey's, you will want to go into Macey's and ask them for the "printout" of all the sale items.

There are some great sales that you won't want to miss --

The best prices that I have found for canned beans (kidney, pinto, black, garbanzo, etc) is at Smith's: 2/$1. Even if you store the dried beans, like I do, it is a good idea to have some canned beans in case the electricity is out or if you forgot to soak the beans the night before and you don't have a pressure cooker.

Sugar and Flour are on great sales at Macey's ($6.99 for 25 lbs of flour and $8.99 for 25/sugar)
Chicken Noodle and Tomato soup are on great sales at Albertson's (2/$1)
Tuna is on sale for 2/$1 at Smith's
Kroger Peanut Butter is on sale 12/$12 at Smith's
Macey's has its Chicken (Boneless/Skinless) on sale for $1.48/lb (pretty good price)
Mandarin Oranges are on sale for 3/$1 at Smith's
64 oz Apple Juice (WF) is on sale for 98 cents each at Macey's (fabulous buy)
Honey is on sale at Macey's for $10.79 / 5 lbs
Macey's has quite a bit of "packaged foods on sale" -- i.e. cornbread mix, brownie mix, Hamburger Helper, etc. if you are interested in that type of product
If you have little kids (or big kids like mine who still like this), Spaghettios is on sale for 48 cents each at Macey's
Brown Sugar and Powdered Sugar (2 lb. packages) are on sale at Macey's for 99 cents each

There are so, so much more, but this is just a sampling of some of the sales. GET OUT THERE and GET YOUR FOOD STORAGE!!!!

Let me know if you need any help or if you have any questions -- Susan

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


Grab your ads from the mail (and online) -- the case lot sales are HERE! There are some GREAT deals at Harmon's and Smith's right now and Macey's as well -- Just remember that the Macey's ad that you get in the mail is NOT all of the sales at that store -- they are only mailing the two page mailer and the rest of the ad you can get in store -- there will be complete ads in the store for you to pick up.

Compare prices and get stocking up! Peanut butter is $1.00!!!!! Tuna for 50 cents! Tomato sauce for 5/$1!!! Canned veggies 44 cents! Pasta sauce is 69 cents!!!! Mandarin oranges 3/$1!!!! Canned fruit is 68 cents!!!! Canned beans for 50 cents!!!! Campbells Chicken Noodle and Tomato Soup are 2/$1!!!!! AND SO MUCH MORE!!!!

This is your chance! The fall case lot sales is when I stock up the most!

If you have any questions about prices, feel free to give me a call - 801-368-9865!

Have at it!


Sunday, September 6, 2009

OH, NUTS (and seeds and dried fruit, etc)

Hi, everyone!


We are trying to put together an order from the company THE NUTTY GUYS -- it is a company that sells really fresh nuts, dried fruit, and seeds. We order through the company ALPINEFOODSTORAGE.COM.

If you are interested in seeing what they have and possibly ordering, follow this link: and check it out. If you are interested in ordering, please either send me an e-mail at or comment on this blog post. We will pick it up and bring it to our neighborhood -- that way you don't have to drive all the way to Alpine to pick it up. is also a very good site to purchase other items for your food storage. Check them out -- Chirine (the owner) is wonderful to work with and their orders are fresh!


We are also putting together a second order of N95 masks, earloop masks and hand sanitizer. If you are interested, please post a message on this blog OR e-mail me at

Later this year, we will be purchasing first aid supplies from them. They are wonderful to work with so I am excited to finally get started with that.

I think that is it for now -- Have a great Labor Day!


Friday, September 4, 2009


For anyone who has ordered these supplies, please call me at 801-368-9865 to arrange to pick them up as soon as possible.

thanks! Susan